Since MartinPatrick 3’s inception, we have recognized the importance of giving back. Annually, we donate 250+ gift cards to charities and auctions around the Twin Cities area to benefit local causes. Below are some of the missions we support regularly and believe in deeply. Want to pitch us a donation opportunity? Please contact us here.
The Polo Classic is an initiative of This Old Horse, Inc. with the mission of providing support through the annual Classic event, for retired and rescued racehorses.
The Auction at MCAD has raised close to $2 million for MCAD scholarships over the last decade. That’s over 600 students who have seen their ambitions realized through an accessible MCAD education. Proceeds benefit Minneapolis College of Art and Design student scholarships.
Men Wear Pink
Avant Garden
Wellstone High School
Neighborhood Safety
Charities We Support
Alliance Francaise
Alzheimer's Purple Gala
American Cancer Society
American Heart
Avant Garden Walker Art Center
Ballet Co. Lab
Big Brothers Big Sisters
Boys and Girls Clubs
C.A.S.T. fundraiser
Capri PCY
Carlson 4 Community
Cheri Turkotte
Cherie Kramer
Diana & Russ Joahansson
Four Seasons
Friends of the Boundry Waters
GiGi's Playhouse
Give Us Wings
Good Shepherd Gala
Grace Neighborhood
Groves Learning
Harriet Tubman Safe Place event
Helping Paws
Holy Trinity
Hopkins Gay Pride
HRC Dinner
Intereum Pride with a Purpose
Joyce Preschool
Jumpsuits for Marketing
Mark Fredericksen
MDI ability dash
MN Adult & Teen Challenge
MN Ovarian Cancer
MN Pride Rotary
Movable Feast
Nativity of Our Lord School
Neighborhood Safety
NLNA - Easter Egg Hunt
NLNA Annual Meeting
Opportunity Partners
Ordway Royal Garden Gala
Orono School
Outfront Minnesota
Pacer Center
Paul Smith Tux for MN Orchestra Charity - $2,500 value
People Serving People
Pohlad Donation from 2023 - upto $2,500 of Eleventy
Project for Pride in Living
Randy Shaver
Rant Tower Anniversary
Sanneh Foundation
Soldiers 6
St. Thomas Academy
St. Vincent De Paul
Struthers Parkinsons
Taste of Generosity - Multiple Sclerosis
The Advocates for HR
The Randy Shaver Cancer Research and Community Fund
Tom Ulrich
Tony Sanneh Gala
Visitation School
Wellstone High School
Wishes & More